10-Step Process For Setting Up, Running & Managing Successful Social Media Contests

Duration: 2.3 hours

One of the best ways to build some viral buzz in the Social Media realm is to run a contest. In particular, Instagram and Facebook have become very effective platforms for running contests that generate new traffic, leads and results! In this workshop, you will learn a 10-step process for setting up, running and managing successful social media contests for your business and your clients. You will also walk away with some new creative and proven ways to build your Social Media presence and email list using a couple Social Media contest apps!
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Course curriculum

  • 1
    Create Social Media Contests
    • Download Workshop Hand Out
    • Intro to Social Media Contests
    • Step 1: Set Contest Goals
    • Step 2: Understand Target Audience
    • Step 3: Select Contest Prize
    • Step 4: Determine Contest Type
    • Step 5: Identify Social Platforms
    • Step 6: Determine Contest Structure
    • Step 7: Select Contest Tool
    • Step 8: Promote SM Contest
    • Step 9: Evaluate & Track Results
    • Build SM Contest Services
    • Interview with Contest Expert, Ryan Lex
    • Social Media Contest Checklist


  • Craig  Cannings

    Craig Cannings

    Chief Learning Officer, Freelance University

    In 2008, my wife Kelly and I co-founded Freelance University with the purpose of becoming the #1 go-to training center for Freelancers and VAs from around the globe! As of this year, we have successfully trained over 25,000 Virtual Assistants and Freelancers in more than 75 countries. Kelly and I have had the great privilege of building our Online University while raising our 5 daughters who are the greatest blessings of our lives. I look forward to meeting you and seeing you either in this program or at our University very soon. I leave you with my favorite quote from marketing guru, Seth Godin: "The only worse thing than starting something and failing... is not starting something."

Course Reviews

  • excellent

    Rosemary O'Shaughnessy

    excellent to the point

    excellent to the point

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  • Great Workshop!

    Shaista Ali

    Jam-packed with lots of info!

    Jam-packed with lots of info!

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