Discover New Strategies for Pricing and Packaging Your Freelance Services

Duration: 1.6 hours

One of the most difficult things to get right in your freelance business is PRICING. As freelancers, we often stress over whether our rates are too high or too low and how to structure our rate sheet and packages. In this workshop, we are going to walk through a simple formula for setting your rates and pricing for your service packages. We will also be providing a comprehensive pricing guide across a variety of popular freelance niches that I think you will find helpful.
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Course curriculum

  • 1
    Pricing Your Freelance Services
    • Download Your Workshop Handout
    • LESSON 1: Introduction to Pricing
    • LESSON 2: Common Pricing Traps
    • LESSON 3: Hourly Pricing Model
    • LESSON 4: Project Pricing Model
    • LESSON 5: Fixed Pricing Model
    • LESSON 6: Value-Based Pricing Model
    • LESSON 7: Pricing Strategies
    • LESSON 8: Seven Steps to Setting Your Rates
    • LESSON 9: Two Options for Packaging Your Services
    • LESSON 10: Keys to Raising Your Rates
    • Freelance Pricing Guide


  • Craig  Cannings

    Craig Cannings

    Chief Learning Officer, Freelance University

    In 2008, my wife Kelly and I co-founded Freelance University with the purpose of becoming the #1 go-to training center for Freelancers and VAs from around the globe! As of this year, we have successfully trained over 25,000 Virtual Assistants and Freelancers in more than 75 countries. Kelly and I have had the great privilege of building our Online University while raising our 5 daughters who are the greatest blessings of our lives. I look forward to meeting you and seeing you either in this program or at our University very soon. I leave you with my favorite quote from marketing guru, Seth Godin: "The only worse thing than starting something and failing... is not starting something."

Course Reviews

  • Highly Recommended

    Chaz Whitsett

    This workshop was short, sweet, and to the point. It answered all of my quesions and then some, as well as gave me more confidence reguarding my worth as a V...

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    This workshop was short, sweet, and to the point. It answered all of my quesions and then some, as well as gave me more confidence reguarding my worth as a VA. Thank you for creating this course!

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  • Pricing Your Freelance Services

    Esther White

    I enjoyed learning about the different aspects of pricing service packages. This was a much-needed class for me. I plan to implement what I have learned here.

    I enjoyed learning about the different aspects of pricing service packages. This was a much-needed class for me. I plan to implement what I have learned here.

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  • Book Marketing Mastery

    Felicia Lopes

    As Always... An Excellent Workshop packed with great information. Thank you so much for this!

    As Always... An Excellent Workshop packed with great information. Thank you so much for this!

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  • So Insightful

    Deanna Proach

    Pricing has always been my biggest challenge, something I've always struggled with. Since I'm starting out in the realm of a digital freelancer, I have no id...

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    Pricing has always been my biggest challenge, something I've always struggled with. Since I'm starting out in the realm of a digital freelancer, I have no idea of where to start in terms pricing, but this course was so insightful, in-depth and I learnt a lot from it. I am so happy I took this course as I believe it has just helped me out immensely.

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  • Just What I Needed

    Sabrina Umstead Smith

    Thank you for the breakdown of: hourly, project, fixed and value-based. I have been working with a clients in varying industries and I know my pricing was n...

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    Thank you for the breakdown of: hourly, project, fixed and value-based. I have been working with a clients in varying industries and I know my pricing was not value-based. This course has helped me tremendously!!!!!!!!!

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