Discover A Profitable & Rewarding Freelance Niche

Duration: 1.6 hours

At FreeU, we regularly talk about the importance of discovering the right niche in order to build a thriving service people need! In this workshop, we are going to take things a step further and show you how you can “niche down” and discover unique niches and specializations that will allow you to charge more and set yourself apart from others. This workshop will be a go-to resource for anyone that is looking to create a highly profitable freelance business in today’s market.
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Course curriculum

  • 1
    The Fine Art of Niching Down
    • Download Workshop Handout Here
    • Lesson 1: Foundations
    • Lesson 2: The Niche Identification Matrix
    • Lesson 3: Assess Your Personality
    • Lesson 4: Discover Your Passions
    • Lesson 5: Identify Your Proficiencies
    • Lesson 6: Discover Profitable Niches
    • Lesson 7: Niching Down Part One
    • Lesson 8: Niching Down Part Two
    • Niche Identification Guide
    • Niche Audience List
    • Niche Tools & Resources
    • 22 Profitable Niches Guide
    • List of Personality Traits


  • Craig  Cannings

    Craig Cannings

    Chief Learning Officer, Freelance University

    In 2008, my wife Kelly and I co-founded Freelance University with the purpose of becoming the #1 go-to training center for Freelancers and VAs from around the globe! As of this year, we have successfully trained over 25,000 Virtual Assistants and Freelancers in more than 75 countries. Kelly and I have had the great privilege of building our Online University while raising our 5 daughters who are the greatest blessings of our lives. I look forward to meeting you and seeing you either in this program or at our University very soon. I leave you with my favorite quote from marketing guru, Seth Godin: "The only worse thing than starting something and failing... is not starting something."

Course Reviews

  • Great starting point!


    Very good process for identifying your niche service/audience.

    Very good process for identifying your niche service/audience.

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  • The Fine Art of Niching Down

    Mathilda Mascarenhas

  • Excellent content for a beginner

    Alana Sayler

    This may have been my favorite course so far. I am changing careers and have been taking the orientation classes. This should be included in beginner classe...

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    This may have been my favorite course so far. I am changing careers and have been taking the orientation classes. This should be included in beginner classes - if anyone is like me - I can't decide what I would like to do. I love how Craig included personality testing as this is a useful tool for someone that wants to do everything. I did a personality test when in college so I will refresh this to see if my personality trait matches to me now. People change over time so it is important to redo as we go along. Again, thank you Craig for giving students such great content to work off of.

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  • So helpful!

    Cindy Barry

  • Excellent information on determining your niche

    Michelle M

  • It really makes you wonder is what I'm doing is right

    Sandy Filewich

    I have a better idea of where I'm heading with my niche.

    I have a better idea of where I'm heading with my niche.

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