• Susan Weeks

    Susan Weeks

    Technology Instructor

    Susan Weeks wears several online hats. Online marketing & content marketing consultant, podcast host of the Stitchery Stories podcast, podcast producer, mentor, and technical training.She started her professional career as a mainframe computer programmer, working in the automotive industry and international banking, whilst living in the North of England. An opportunity to study for a Training & Development qualification whilst at Nissan laid a strong foundation which paved the way for a major opportunity at her next corporate job. Susan developed and delivered technical training programmes to enable the company to expand with a pipeline of experienced and trained staff ready to work with international banking clients. This grew into establishing a training department and managing and growing a team of trainers to serve the rapidly expanding and successful organization.Fast forward a few years and a few unexpected life experiences. Her online career developed whilst living in France, when her son was old enough to go to school, so Susan set about finding a way to take the best of her professional IT career and earn a living in rural France. She discovered VAClassroom in 2008 and has been a part of the community since those early days.Imagine her delight at this latest evolution of her career.... Creating technical training for VAClassroom University. She gets to combine her love of training and helping people to be the best they can be, with her love of learning, her technical IT skills, and an interesting online business. Susan is delighted that these strands have come together. She hopes you will be equally delighted with learning new skills and growing your business around them. Let's get started!

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Toggl Time Tracking App
    • Introduction to Time Tracking
    • What is Toggl
    • Toggl Tutorial
    • Time Tracking Resources